
Advice For Writers #2: James Krusoe

Santa Monica City College houses one of the most amazing creative writing classes I’ve ever taken. Novelist James Krusoe teaches an evening class once a week, provides meticulous, spot-on edits, and offers immense support to writers of all experience levels. Here are some notes I took in class: Pick one thing to describe and make it slightly… Continue reading Advice For Writers #2: James Krusoe


Advice For Writers #1: Cristina Garcia

​Last month, author Cristina Garcia spoke at the Comadres and Compadres Writers Conference in New York City. Here are some bits of wisdom. On Writing:  When you are writing, ask yourself- What am I going to give the reader with these details in this specific sequence? Writing is an act of seduction– there is no room for no… Continue reading Advice For Writers #1: Cristina Garcia


Writing Prompts 

 Over the years, I’ve used lots of resources to get my writing going. It’s great to read as much as possible– novels, short stories, magazine articles, the newspaper, blogs, poetry– but sometimes writers need a little warm up. Try these and see what happens. Don’t ask questions. Don’t stop or judge yourself. Don’t worry about grammar.… Continue reading Writing Prompts